Friday, July 11, 2008

A island and lake between fort MacPherson and Tsiigehtchic.

The one thing you never want to happen on the Dempster in the middle of no where. Our vehicle failed to start after we stopped for some photos. 2 hours later a kind soul from Whitehorse stopped to give us a boost, otherwise it was going to be a long night. To the complete A*&$#^e who wouldn't help (who was driving a rig for Mid-Arctic Transportation) I hope you encounter the same level of helpfulness throughout your life that you offered to three woman, a five year old and I in the middle of the night along side of the most desolute highway in the world. PHOTO BY TRACI

I believe this is a Red-Throated Loon.

Christopher killin' time aside the Dempster.

Some sort of flower, I think Tina said it was a fire... something. I found it hard to listen while surrounded by three women carrying on three conversations to three imaginary audiences.

The action shot.

Beavers apparently aren't the worlds most couragous animals, this game of chicken ended without the huge KaBlam I was expecting.

Hello everyone,
Our visitors have come and gone and hopefully a good time was had by all. Tonight is a night for rest, the last week has been short on sleep for everyone involved. The week didn't go exactly as planned as we missed a couple of opportunities due to weather, and my carver failed to come through with anything in time for their visit. Christopher and Melissa have both been "grumpy monkeys" all day with the departure of our friends, but better to think of the time together than the time apart. Now off to bed with us all.

Take Care


Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Hotel? Road trip?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, some of those pix look familiar............

Jennith said...

Wow... and people worry about having monkies on their backs - this person has a dragon(fly) on theirs.... Hopefully, its doing its job keeping the mosquito population in check - at least locally or just being decorative :D

Anonymous said...

Oh Curt - I notice you waited until Traci LEFT to make comments on her photos... Chicken! :+)

b.t.w. - it's a FIREWEED! Provincial flower of the Northwest Territories.

Thanks for all the hospitality! I had an amazing time up there - did not want to come home.

Slowly getting over the post-trip withdrawl...
T :+)

Anonymous said...

(buries head in shame - hoping no one else caught this)

Fireweed - Provincial flower of the Yukon Territory

Mountain Avens - Provincial flower of the Northwest Territories