Sunday, April 22, 2007

First Week In POV

Hello everyone,
Still no photo's as we're waiting for 2 things. 1st, my new computer to arrive so I can save the photo's I currently have collected (about 4,500 of them to date), and second for our unpacking to reach the point where we find my back-up drive. So for now we have to survive with the written word.
The community sits just north of 60, and is on the coast of the Hudson's Bay. I have no idea how long the community has been here yet but as I get info I'll pass it along. The town has about 1200 souls according to census, so its about 4 times the size of Kangiqsujuaq and almost the size of Baker Lake. The main shopping store in town in the Co-Op, as they own most of the northern quebec markets. Our store is approx 5,000 sq ft (by my guess) and is about three times the size of the Kang store. The Co-op is probably about 15,000 sq ft. There are two hotels in town (that I've found), and all the usual facilities including a actual hospital. There are also 2 restaurants (Ok, one is in the Co-op (which we apparently can't go into, due to working for Northern, which is actually fine, ) The other is a coffee shop that I await to hear from Melissa as to how it is.
The house we have moved into is a small two bedroom, which has really forced us into some strange situations due to the number of boxes occupying valuable space.
Ok thats all I have time for this evening,
Take Care

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