Sunday, June 03, 2007

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Hello everyone,
I'm sorry to force this problem upon my readers however I didn't bring my copy of the Charter of rights and freedoms with me to the Great White North. I'm sure that somewhere in there (near the back I think), It outlines that all Canadians are entitled to have a BBQ on their days off during June through September. You may have to tolerate rain and wind (I think that part is in small print) but you can have a BBQ during these periods.

This brings me to my new problem, I am having a BBQ.... kinda. I have a BBQ, I have food, I have a full tank of fuel, and I have a 60 mph wind that keeps blowing all my heat away. I didn't think this was possible but I can't get the temp above 200 in the BBQ with the lid closed and everything. The BBQ has been running for a hour and we stand at a firm 200 degree's, My chicken has started to brown (optimistically) or maybe rot... I'm not sure. Before anyone suggests I move the BBQ to a area out of the wind, I would like to add this is a area "out of the wind".
So could someone please look this up and see if I get some sort of tax rebate for this problem?
Thanks a million
Take Care,
P.S. Even better would be if I could sue Environment Canada... Can someone check for liability in this regard?


Grenwolde said...

Can't help you with you BBQ'ing == pissing down rain here... but for more material, including the history and impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms I encourage you and your readers to visit -- an unbiased, plain language, and interactive (audio and video)look at the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It also contains relevant case law and precedents. The website is available in English, French, Chinese (traditional), German, and Italian with 6 more languages planned.

This site is designed as an eductional resource for high school students, teachers, college students and year 1 and 2 university students.

I think you will find it of value.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you this but I think the weather falls under the "you live in Canada" clause and no one will do anything for you but tut tut and pat you on the back.

Did the chicken ever cook? Maybe a wood fire would work better with some nice cast iron pans???????

Brightest blessings


Anonymous said...

You might have better luck with a repair manual than the charter of rights.
has some good ideas.
Keith's gut reaction was that it is a regulator problem.
If everything else fails, you might get enough sustained heat by burning the might actually be usefull then.

Curtis Groom said...

Man, See what happens when you try to crack a ,joke around this place, people actually stive to give you helpful advise, Geez. Lighten up, first I never really thought it was actually in the C of R & F, it was just a gag.
Second, where would we go for that wood in the middle of the tundra?
Third, Ok I might try that but come one, didn't ya even crack a smile?
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Around here a malfuctioning bbq rates crisis status so all energies are poured into resolving the situation. After the optimal 350-450 degrees has been reliably achieved, then there is time to relax and file whatever forms are required, be it a rebate form or a claim against the charter.
Hopefully your temperature issue has been resolved and you have been able to move onto the requisite paperwork.
Do your government forms come printed in all 3 official languages? If so, maybe there could be a disablity claim as well. Carpal Tunnel or Eyestrain perhaps...something to think about.....

Curtis Groom said...

Yes, we have ignition. it seems the wind may have actually been the problem because there has been no re-occurance since. Good idea on the claims but how about a suit against the needless death of a chicken, who's going to be accountable for that? And the emotional turmoil of having the first BBQ of the season go to pot, thats a ill omen if ever there was one.
Take Care