Sunday, December 07, 2008

Morning in the Firehall

Hello Everyone,
For some strange reason the town's new fire truck has air brakes, which means every couple of weeks I end up taking it out for a run to recharge the brakes. While a minor inconvenience for me Christopher seems to like it. Today he changed his life goals from policeman to fireman.
Take Care
P.S. I just noticed that they spelled the name of the town wrong on the fire engine. Course most likely only people who live here know how to spell it anyways, but it does have a large impact on the pronunciation.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Hey! I've been a member of the elite crowd that can spell it for well over a year!
Tsiigehtchic! yippee!
Although I always found that even people who live around that area still call it "Arctic Red" anyway.