Monday, November 28, 2005

The Blog thing.

Hello Everyone,
When I set this page up it was because we were receiving too many similiar questions regarding life here and it was taking alot of time to respond to everyone I wanted to in a timely manner. So I thought I'd set this page up to try and better explain our experiences here as well as have the community share the answers they recieve to thier questions. I have answered specific questions in the comments section and I ask that people look there when they have a question. I know I am always anxious to read the comments whenever I join the page so I ask that my friends remember to look there for answers, as well as post any comments they may have. I apoligize that I have taken this short cut to answering questions and if anyone has something they don't want to share, please feel free to email me and I'll answer.


Anonymous said...

Hi there;
I think the blog is a great way to let everyone know what is happening as and when it happens. Just today the boys and I were discussing how early it gets dark here now and we were comparing it to what it might be like up there.
I have no doubt it has helped with some social studies work. (a side benefit)
Take care and keep writing.

Curtis Groom said...

The sun rises here around 9:30 and sets at 2:45 currently. I'm glad your finding the blog to be of some assistance and getting something out of it. I also enjoy it and usually check for new comments as soon as I get home thanks