Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ok, Now we have Cable.

Hello everyone,
We now have TV, so hopefully progress will continue with our phone being up soon. Here's another photo from the front of the store, to the left of the picture you can see our house and deck rght behind our warm warehouse (68 steps from the store) near the middle of the photo is the Co-op.
Take Care


Anonymous said...

Very interesting photo - you have "mountains" to look at! Quite the difference from the endless horizon up in Baker Lake. Does it feel different due to that? Closed in or cozy?

T :+)

Curtis Groom said...

I really can't quantify it that way. Its different, yes. The landscape is beautiful, I think I perfer it to the Baker enviroment, but we'll see how it washes out in the end. I do know hunting will be alot more challenging in this community. There are alot fewer people who do it regularly, and not as much variety to hunt for. The caribou are herd caribou so only available for a couple of months of the year. Other than that I can't find anyone to tell me what they are actually hunting, I think they just like hanging out on the land. You centainly don't see the daily migration of hunters, ATV's and rifles out of town. I know one way or another I'll be back on the land within a couple of months. oh, yeah, closed or cozy? More like a swiss village, very open and quiet.